Salvation is freedom from sin and its penalty; it is restoration to divine favor and communion with God. It is the work of God and a gift of grace that is given to those who place their faith in God and believe in His Word.

Here are some basic facts and definitions:

God Creator and Keeper of the universe. There is no one (who ranks) higher than Him.
the Bible The record of God’s actions and purpose with all creation and contains His law.  It is also referred to as the logos (written) Word of God, the scriptures, the Holy Writ (or the Sacred Writ) and even The Good Book.
sin Anything that goes against God’s law. Also called transgression. The word sin may be used as a:
-noun and refer to a thing (eg, a lie, an evil thought)
-verb and refer to an action (eg, telling a lie, committing an evil act [such as theft, murder, etc.])
A sinner is a person who sins.
the Gospel(of Jesus Christ) The “good news” about Jesus and His ability to forgive people of their sins, save them from eternal death and empower them to live victoriously and eternally – It includes His immaculate conception and virgin birth, victorious life and sacrificial death, burial and miraculous resurrection and His ascension to heaven and His plan to return for His Bride, the Church.
sacrifice The voluntary or involuntary loss or release of something of value, for the sake of another cause.
conversion The act of God by which He causes the regenerated sinner, in his conscious life, to turn to Him in repentance and faith
repentance The work of God, which results in a change of mind in respect to a human’s relationship to God
faith A certain conviction in the heart by the Holy Spirit, as to the truth of the Gospel and trust in the promises of God in Christ
regeneration The act of God by which the principle of the new life is implanted in a human being, and the governing disposition of that human being’s soul is made holy. Also known as the born again experience, it occurs in the instant a sinner gives their life into the hands of Christ and asks Him to forgive their sins—and He immediately forgives and removes their sins and justifies (makes righteous), seals, adopts and reconciles the sinner. Through this act of God, there is peace with Him, new life and eternal sonship. It is the beginning of the process of sanctification (see below).
eternal life A new life that begins when a person is born again and never ends. It involves escaping the power of eternal death
abundant life Life in its fullest; the highest to the quality of this life
eternal death The fate that awaits all people who reject God, the gospel of His Son, Jesus Christ, and remain in their sin and disobedience. Eternal death is everlasting separation from God and is never-ending
sanctification The gracious and continuous operation of the Holy Spirit, who He delivers the justified sinner from the pollution of sin, renews their human nature in the image of God and enables that person to perform good works